
learning with it中文什么意思

发音:   用"learning with it"造句
  • 学习有关问题
  • learning:    n. 学,学习;学问,学识;专门知识。 good at ...
  • it:     it2 pron. (sing. Nom. ...
  • learning:    n. 学,学习;学问,学识;专门知识。 good at learning 善于学习。 a man of learning 学者。 New learning 新学问,新科学〔尤指十六世纪在英国传播的宗教改革学说及用希伯来文及希腊文对于《圣经》的考证研究〕。
  • learning to be:    做人; 学会生存
  • accretion learning concomitant learning:    附学习
关注微信公众号:chachacidian,回复:learning with it,即可在微信中查询翻译


  1. They find it easy to practice using the language regularly because they want to learn with it
  2. With online education as a teacher , the teacher - student relationship is not threatening . it is in patience and good nature , and each student can learn with it comfortably
    (把在线教育作为老师,师生关系就不会太紧张,它耐心、态度好,每个学生对它感觉都较舒适。 )
  3. P : with online education as a teacher , the teacher - student relationship is not threatening . it is in patience and good nature , and each student can learn with it comfortably
    (把在线教育作为老师,师生关系就不会太紧张,它耐心、态度好,每个学生对它感觉都较舒适。 )



  1. learning types 什么意思
  2. learning vocabulary 什么意思
  3. learning with alteration problem 什么意思
  4. learning with assiduity 什么意思
  5. learning with computer 什么意思
  6. learning with oddity problem 什么意思
  7. learning with us 什么意思
  8. learning with whole hearted devotion 什么意思
  9. learning without frontiers 什么意思
  10. learning without frontiers unit 什么意思


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